Course curriculum

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    PTP 2022 Module 4: Building Your Successful Accounting Practice

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    Session 1: Getting Started Right

    • Getting Started Right

    • VIDEO: Developing a Business Plan

    • Developing a Business Plan

    • VIDEO: Creating a Business Name

    • Creating a Business Name

    • VIDEO: Obtaining a Business License

    • Obtaining a Business License

    • Obtaining a PTIN

    • VIDEO: Setting Up Your Office

    • Setting Up Your "Office"

    • VIDEO: Office Equipment

    • Office Equipment

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Office Supplies

    • Income Tax Software

    • Signing Up For Electronic Filing

    • Reference Material

    • Professional Insurance

    • Bookkeeping System

    • Session 1: Review Questions

  • 3

    Session 2: Effective Marketing

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • VIDEO: Marketing vs Advertising

    • Effective Marketing

    • VIDEO: Family Friends and Neighbors

    • Consider Family, Friends, and Neighbors

    • VIDEO: Your Business Associates

    • Look to Business Associates

    • VIDEO: Your Neighbohood

    • Canvass Your Neighborhood

    • VIDEO: Press Releases

    • Create a Press Release

    • VIDEO: Networking

    • Network

    • VIDEO: Market Niche

    • Find a Niche Market

    • VIDEO: Signs Signs Signs

    • Use Signs! Signs! Signs!

    • VIDEO: Public Speaking - Tax Seminars_

    • Engage in Public Speaking (Tax Seminars)

    • VIDEO: Writing Articles

    • Write Articles

    • Have a Website

    • FREE Website for 6 Months

    • Create a Blog

    • Online Classifieds

    • Sample Marketing Materials

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 2: Review Questions

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    Session 3: Comfortable Interviewing Techniques

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • VIDEO: Be Prepared

    • Comfortable Interviewing Techniques

    • VIDEO: Be Courteous

    • Be Courteous

    • VIDEO: Be Professional

    • Be Professional

    • VIDEO: Be Patient

    • Be Patient

    • VIDEO: Be Genuiny Interested in Your Client

    • Be Genuinely Interested in Your Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 1 Interviewing a Typical Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 2 Interviewing an Unprepared Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 3 Interviewing an EIC Client

    • Pre-scheduling Appointments

    • Role Playing

    • Letter of Engagement

    • Client Organizer

    • M4 Ch3 Client Update Survey (not in book)

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 3: Review Questions

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    Session 4: Profitable Fee Calculations

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • Profitable Fee Calculations

    • VIDEO: Consultant Charges - Hourly

    • Consultant Charges - Hourly

    • VIDEO: Tax Preparation Charges - Per Form

    • Tax Preparation Charge - Per Form

    • Tax Preparation Charge - Time Based

    • Contingent Fees

    • Billing Your Clients

    • VIDEO: Accepting Credit Card for Payment

    • Accepting Credit Cards for Payment

    • VIDEO: Increasing Your Fees

    • Increasing Your Fees

    • Managing Cash Flow

    • VIDEO: Guarantee

    • Guarantee and Form Billing Fees

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 4: Review Questions

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    Session 5: Always the Expert Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • Always The Expert Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: Tax Preparer Classification

    • The Professional Professional Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: The Ethical Professional Tax Preparer

    • The Ethical Professional Tax Preparer

    • Tax Preparer Classification

    • VIDEO: Continuing Education

    • Continuing Education

    • VIDEO: Processing Tax Retrns

    • Processing Tax Returns

    • VIDEO: Tax Return Retention Policy

    • Tax Return Retention Policy

    • VIDEO: Client Retention

    • Client Retention

    • VIDEO: Client Retention Strategy

    • VIDEO: Nine Success Principles

    • Nine Success Principles

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 5: Review Questions

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    Session 6: Enrolled, AFSP Participants & Un-Enrolled Tax Preparers

    • Enrolled, AFSP Participants, and Unenrolled Tax Preparers

    • Unenrolled Preparers

    • Becoming an Enrolled Agent

    • Circular 230 Requirements

    • Representation Before the IRS

    • IRS Publications and Documents

    • Session 6: Review Questions

    • M4 INDEX - last pages of book

  • 8


    • Adam's Setting Up Your Business Checklist - Start Today

  • 9

    Professional Tax Preparer Module 4 Exam

    • Building Your Successful Tax Practice Exam

What are our students saying?

5 star rating

Module 4

Suzette A Lewis-Jones

You just need to turn up ready to learn - Truly turnkey

You just need to turn up ready to learn - Truly turnkey

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5 star rating


Robert Rodriguez



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