Course curriculum

  • 1

    PTP 2023 Module 4: Building Your Successful Accounting Practice

  • 2

    Session 1: Getting Started Right

    • Getting Started Right

    • VIDEO: Developing a Business Plan

    • Developing a Business Plan

    • VIDEO: Creating a Business Name

    • Creating a Business Name

    • VIDEO: Obtaining a Business License

    • Obtaining a Business License

    • Obtaining a PTIN

    • VIDEO: Setting Up Your Office

    • Setting Up Your "Office"

    • VIDEO: Office Equipment

    • Office Equipment

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Office Supplies

    • Income Tax Software

    • Signing Up For Electronic Filing

    • Reference Material

    • Professional Insurance

    • Bookkeeping System

    • Session 1: Review Questions

  • 3

    Understanding your Software

    • "UAC Tax" Software Overview

    • To access the Tutorial, you must register

    • Textbook

    • "UAC Tax" Tutorial Video

    • Learning Activity Answer Key: Danielson

  • 4

    Session 2: Effective Marketing

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • VIDEO: Marketing vs Advertising

    • Effective Marketing

    • VIDEO: Family Friends and Neighbors

    • Consider Family, Friends, and Neighbors

    • VIDEO: Your Business Associates

    • Look to Business Associates

    • VIDEO: Your Neighbohood

    • Canvass Your Neighborhood

    • VIDEO: Press Releases

    • Create a Press Release

    • VIDEO: Networking

    • Network

    • VIDEO: Market Niche

    • Find a Niche Market

    • VIDEO: Signs Signs Signs

    • Use Signs! Signs! Signs!

    • VIDEO: Public Speaking - Tax Seminars_

    • Engage in Public Speaking (Tax Seminars)

    • VIDEO: Writing Articles

    • Write Articles

    • Have a Website

    • FREE Website for 6 Months

    • Create a Blog

    • Online Classifieds

    • Sample Marketing Materials

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 2: Review Questions

  • 5

    Session 3: Comfortable Interviewing Techniques

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • VIDEO: Be Prepared

    • Comfortable Interviewing Techniques

    • VIDEO: Be Courteous

    • Be Courteous

    • VIDEO: Be Professional

    • Be Professional

    • VIDEO: Be Patient

    • Be Patient

    • VIDEO: Be Genuiny Interested in Your Client

    • Be Genuinely Interested in Your Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 1 Interviewing a Typical Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 2 Interviewing an Unprepared Client

    • VIDEO: Vignette 3 Interviewing an EIC Client

    • Pre-scheduling Appointments

    • Role Playing

    • Letter of Engagement

    • Client Organizer

    • M4 Ch3 Client Update Survey (not in book)

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 3: Review Questions

  • 6

    Session 4: Profitable Fee Calculations

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • Profitable Fee Calculations

    • VIDEO: Consultant Charges - Hourly

    • Consultant Charges - Hourly

    • VIDEO: Tax Preparation Charges - Per Form

    • Tax Preparation Charge - Per Form

    • Tax Preparation Charge - Time Based

    • Contingent Fees

    • Billing Your Clients

    • VIDEO: Accepting Credit Card for Payment

    • Accepting Credit Cards for Payment

    • VIDEO: Increasing Your Fees

    • Increasing Your Fees

    • Managing Cash Flow

    • VIDEO: Guarantee

    • Guarantee and Form Billing Fees

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 4: Review Questions

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    Session 5: Always the Expert Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: Introduction

    • Always The Expert Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: Tax Preparer Classification

    • The Professional Professional Tax Preparer

    • VIDEO: The Ethical Professional Tax Preparer

    • The Ethical Professional Tax Preparer

    • Tax Preparer Classification

    • VIDEO: Continuing Education

    • Continuing Education

    • VIDEO: Processing Tax Retrns

    • Processing Tax Returns

    • VIDEO: Tax Return Retention Policy

    • Tax Return Retention Policy

    • VIDEO: Client Retention

    • Client Retention

    • VIDEO: Client Retention Strategy

    • VIDEO: Nine Success Principles

    • Nine Success Principles

    • VIDEO: Review

    • Session 5: Review Questions

  • 8

    Session 6: Enrolled, AFSP Participants & Un-Enrolled Tax Preparers

    • Enrolled, AFSP Participants, and Unenrolled Tax Preparers

    • Unenrolled Preparers

    • Becoming an Enrolled Agent

    • Circular 230 Requirements

    • Representation Before the IRS

    • IRS Publications and Documents

    • Session 6: Review Questions

    • M4 INDEX - last pages of book

  • 9


    • Adam's Setting Up Your Business Checklist - Start Today

    • What could be next? RSSA

  • 10

    Professional Tax Preparer Module 4 Exam

    • Building Your Successful Tax Practice Exam

  • 11

    Software Registration

    • Register Now!

What Our Students Are Saying

5 star rating


Christie Y Mack

This is a great course to take. Everything that you'll need to becoming a Tax Preparer is provided to you and you can learn at your own pace. Coaches and sta...

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This is a great course to take. Everything that you'll need to becoming a Tax Preparer is provided to you and you can learn at your own pace. Coaches and staff are great and very responsive and helpful

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4 star rating

Feeling LARGELY more ambitious_now to take on handling Bu...

Kyle Finnegan

This was a truly enlightening "stepping stone" into this area of accounting professionalism - ("where I for one, honestly never once saw myself dabbling in a...

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This was a truly enlightening "stepping stone" into this area of accounting professionalism - ("where I for one, honestly never once saw myself dabbling in areas of Tax advisory/ with already owning a bookkeeping firm, as they say, I was single minded") But alas , it all came to make perfect sense, as through Universals compelling logic! Both go hand in hand, and it just kinda clicked with it being tax season upon us here! So either way, thank you universal! I am still very much so looking forward to crackling open the perks n value of the rest of the program!

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5 star rating


Robert Rodriguez



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