Become a Profit & Growth EXPERT

and take your career and practice to the next level!

The Profit & Growth Expert program is a self-paced, comprehensive suite of courses and support that includes 6 courses, 100's of easy-to-follow video lessons, and numerous workbooks and reference materials.

The program not only teaches you the skills you need to provide Profit & Growth consulting services to your clients but it also provides you the marketing and practice management training to ensure your success.

Profit & Growth Expert

Self-Certification Program - 40 hours

This program is designed to start with the big picture and then work towards helping market and sell your new services with confidence. Basically you are first trained to know what the short, mid and long term needs of the business are to build a thriving business that has value. This is based on the philosophy, “beginning with the end in mind”. This is the “big picture” you need as the Profit & Growth Expert to help your clients clearly define their business.

Next you are taught the process to help your clients transition, build and have the business they deserve. This is the engagement that you are paid to implement with the client. Once you know the principles of a profitable business and the process to get the client there it’s time to learn how to best sell and get the engagements.

Earn Certification

Once you complete the courses in this program, you can earn Profit & Growth Expert certification with a passing score of 90% or higher on the final exam! This gives you the credentials that you can use to market your new services.

Earn CPE Credit

Upon completing this course you'll be able to receive 30 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit in most states.

What You'll Learn In this Program

  • Nine principles to make a business profitable (and how to apply them).

  • How to quickly transform a financially troubled business into a profitable venture.

  • How to sell your services and expertise with confidence.

  • How to use reports that benchmark a business to change a struggling business into successful one.

  • How to implement a proven sales process that gets you lots of leads.

  • How you can leverage the relationships you have to build a constant flow of new clients, referral clients, and repeat clients that PAY.

  • How to effectively and inexpensively market your services to bring in the leads you need to grow your business.

Courses Included in the Program

click on a course to explore the course's curriculum

Coaching Support from our Experts

Even though you may be training from the comfort of home, you are far from on your own. You’ll have access to the support of knowledgeable accounting professionals throughout your course and beyond.

  • Orientation Counselor to help you get set up and started right.

  • Academic Coach (tutor) to help you learn the material and answer related real-world questions.

  • Marketing Coach to help you apply our proven turnkey business plan to find and engage with your ideal clients as you start and build your business.